Roshan Lal Agarwal, a businessman was a heavy smoker. Being in the transport business, he had a stressful job. When he developed some burning sensation in the chest and breathlessness, he did not think he could be affected by heart disease. Instead of changing his habits he went to naturopathy hospital for treatment. He felt better. When he came back again his sons insisted to visit a cardiologist. Mr. Agrawal was very confident that he did not have a heart disease. However he yielded to their demand and agreed for the check up.

The cardiologist told the unsuspecting Mr. Agarwal that he would need a small test called angiography to confirm the heart disease. Mr. Agarwal knew something about the invasive nature of the test. Mr. Agarwal was reluctant for the test. But on the persistence of the cardiologist and his sons (who met the doctor separately), he succumbed to their pressure and decided to get the test done.

In the evening the cardiologist announced that Mr. Agarwal had a very serious blockage of 80% in one of the very important arteries. The cardiologist wondered how he never had a heart attack till then. He told Mr. Agarwal that if he does not get a small operation called angioplasty done, his life would be in grave danger. He might collapse anytime.

Seeing no way out and the fear in the eyes of the family members, Mr. Agarwal agreed for an angioplasty with stent (a small spring like device costing Rs. 50,000 each). Though he was completely against any invasive procedure he had to submit himself. Ballooning of the artery with stent implantation was done and he was discharged after day after a day with a discharge slip that he had been treated for his blockage. he was made to believe that the danger had been averted and he could go back to his work. The family members felt very happy and thankful to the doctor. The cost was Rs. 3,75,000.00, which was within the reach of the Agarwal family. Mr. Agarwal, who was totally against the surgical treatment, was still not convinced, but felt happy that he would be able to go back to his business.

Within two months the burning sensation and breathlessness returned. He and his family were not expecting this. He was rushed to the same hospital. The cardiologist, after hearing all the symptoms, feared that there might be something wrong with the stent. He asked the patient to get admitted for an angiography again. Mr. Agarwal was disappointed and was not ready for a repeat procedure. By that time he had discussed about his heart disease with many people and came to know about a test called the stress test. He knew that this test was a non-invasive test and could tell about reblockage without angiography.

The burning sensation persisted. His family somehow convinced him for another angiography. Mr. Agarwal  was told that there were two new blockages apart from the previous one which was showing signs of re-stenosis. Mr. Agarwal did not know what to do? The doctor told him that he could not be discharged from the hospital as his life was again in danger. The risk of heart attack had returned!

Mr. Agarwal was shattered and felt very depressed. The doctor suggested that he could still control the risk if he agreed for a new technology of angioplasty,  This case could be solved only by a bypass surgery or a new procedure where the doctor would open the blockage with rotatory blade and fix two more stents, one before and the other after the previous one! Though Mr. Agarwal was completely against a bypass surgery, after a deep discussion the family agreed for the new technique.

Next day the new procedure was done. The cardiologist congratulated the family waiting outside the cath. lab. The cost for  the operation this time was Rs. 6,00,000.00. Following day he was discharged. He was  supposedly back to normal again!

But Mr. Agarwal was never normal again. The complaints never disappeared completely. The discomfort returned. The fear was back again. The person who could take on his sons, at the age of 60, to work as hard as he did, was not the same again. The courage has disappeared. He was terrified, always thinking about his heart blockages. Two angioplasties and Rs. 10 Lacs brought additional stress on him. 


Hope you liked this blog!

This blog is written by Dr. Bimal Chajjer (Non Invasive heart treatment expert)



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