Fortunately, there are alternatives to bypass surgery, angioplasty, and medications. However, many patients and even physicians are not aware of these options. Preventive medicine experts have now proven that changing one's lifestyle can reverse blockages in heart blood vessels. Perhaps what is more important, when used properly, lifestyle agents such as stress control, smoking cessation, diet, and exercises have no harmful side effects. The only side effects are desirable ones contributing to better quality of life and decreased risk of diseases of many types in addition to heart disease. Those individuals with heart disease who become aware of the importance of lifestyle changes are confronted with a vital question: "Am I willing to make the common sense lifestyle changes are confronted with a vital question: "Am I willing to make the common sense lifestyle changes necessary to reverse my disease?" If the answer is "no" it is likely that either angioplasty or are negligible or absent. Most of these surgeries are not performed on the merit of the cases. These surgeries, cost a lot and are major sources of money providers in the hospitals. Usually after angiography, once the blockages are found, the angioplasty doctors/ surgeons ask the patient to undergo an angioplasty or bypass surgery. To emphasize their point, they start telling them "you are sitting on a time bomb, which can explode any time. "The patient, fearful that he has blockages, gives in to their demands and deposits money for it. If the doctors find the patient unwilling, they then catch hold of the relatives. The family members are as it is very scared and give in to their demands. Doctors tell them. "it is an emergency. Please deposit the money and then we will schedule the procedure". But, if the doctors realize that the patient or the relations will never be able to cough up so much amount of money, they advise medicines and tell them that, whenever the money would get deposited the surgery would be performed. Till such time they could continue on medicines and exercise. The punch line in this whole set up is that these procedures are performed for money only and is not a solution to the disease. A patient who ends up on the angiography table is so fearful that he falls prey to the demands of these hospitals/surgeons and ends up with these unnecessary surgeries/angioplasties.

Hope you liked this blog!                                                                                                                        

This article is written by Dr. Bimal Chhajer (Non-Invasive Heart Treatment Expert)     


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