Heart disease is Multi-factorial


High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the most important causes of coronary heart disease. With more and more research data coming in, it has become evident that the blockages are formed in the heart arteries by deposition of cholesterol. Cholesterol, besides being produced in our liver is additionally obtained in our food from animal sources like ghee, butter, milk, cheese, meat etc. The normal level of cholesterol is 130-200 mg/dl. Obviously higher cholesterol intake can only add to the blockages!

High Triglyceride

It is a fat derived from the plant sources. All cooking oils are triglycerides irrespective of being saturated or unsaturated. All of them lead to blockages. The normal level of triglyceride is 60mg/dl - 150mg/dl. We recommends less than 130mg/dl.


HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol. Since it has a very high affinity to bind cholesterol . It removes cholesterol from the blockages. Saaol recommends a HDL cholesterol of above 40 mg/dl.


People who smoke are four times more prone to develop heart disease as compared to the non smokers. Tobacco that is inhaled while smoking is the major cause of erosion of the inner lining of the coronary arteries. Nicotine, tar, alkaloids etc. causes this damage and make the layer more susceptible to cholesterol and fat deposition. It is like painting the inner lining with glue which would catch cholesterol and sticks it on the wall.

High BP

High Blood pressure puts an extra strain on the heart and the arteries supplying blood to the other organs of the body. Many diseases are caused by high blood pressure such as heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, stroke (damage to the brain) etc. Higher the blood pressure greater are the chances of getting the above disease. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg.

Diabetic Mellitus

Normal level of fasting blood sugar is 80-120 mg/dl. If the fasting level is more than 110mg/dl and after meal is more than 160mg/dl, it is called diabetes or high blood sugar. Diabetes patients have a higher chance of developing coronary blockages. They are also prone to several other disease like kidney damages, as well as damages of nerves and eyes.   

Lack of physical activity

Lack of physical activity in our daily life has become the most important reason of heart disease in modern life. Regular exercise can break fats, decrease cholesterol, reduce blood sugar, control blood pressure, reduce overweight by consuming stored fat in the body and make the heart more healthy and stronger.


New Risk factors

Lipoprotein (a)

The high rates of heart disease, despite lesser risk factors, suggests the possible role of a genetic risk factor, which is uninfluenced by even maximum modification of lifestyle.

Lp(a) is such a risk factor, since its levels are genetically determined and not influenced by diet or exercise. It is ten times as atherogenic as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and has significant thrombogenic (clot forming) and antifibrinolytic (anti clot dissolving) properties due to its structural similarity with plasminogen.


There is increasing interest in thrombotic (clot forming) factors in the etiology of Coronary Artery Disease. Plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) levels are high in Indians. Indians have lower fibrinolytic (clot dissolving) activity with an increased likelihood of clot formation.


Obesity is a risk factor for heart disease as it can lead to hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia. Overweight persons have 15 times greater chance to have a heart attack.

Low Fiber Intake

Fibers have a net like structure (like a dry leaf). fats in our food get stuck in this mesh work. Since fibers, don't get absorbed, these fats are excreted along with them. So low intake of fiber is another cause of heart disease. Vegetables, fruits and whole cereals are good sources.


Stress can lead to hypertension, diabetes and low HDL cholesterol. Stress increases the secretion of adrenaline in the body which raises the heart rate and work load of the heart. This in turn can lead to heart attack.


Most of the hereditary effects in people come through excessive production of cholesterol and triglyceride in the body. These people even if they restrict their diet, may still have high cholesterol / triglyceride. Thus their chances of having a heart disease will multiply.

Hope you liked this blog!

This article is written by Dr. Bimal Chhajer (Heart Doctor in Delhi)   


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