Detection of Diabetes: The most common symptoms of Diabetes are Polyurea (frequent and excessive passage of urine), Polydypsia (increased intake of water or thirst) and Polyphagia (increased intake of food). These occur because of excessive urine formation as kidneys start throwing glucose out of blood. This loss of water leads to thirst. The loss of Glucose also leads to loss of calories. To make it up the body needs more calories or food. Delayed wound healing, proneness to skin or respiratory infections may often prompt doctors to instruct examination of blood glucose. Sudden loss of weight may be even a pointer towards Diabetes.

Many Diabetics do not have any major symptoms or complaints but are detected during routine examination of blood or executive checkups. It is advised that every individual should undertake a routine blood check-up for blood glucose (fasting and post prandial) and Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol) as soon as they reach the age of thirty years. This age can be lowered to 25 years if the parents have also Diabetes and should be repeated every year.

Confirmation : Confirmation of Diabetes can be made by Blood Glucose tests - which are very commonly available and less expensive. A patient should only be labeled Diabetic only when three consecutive blood tests show fasting blood glucose level above 120 mg/100 ml or Deciliter. A  postprandial (blood taken two hours after breakfast or meal. This is also called pp blood glucose) blood glucose level above 200 mg/dl or deciliter is also confirmatory of Diabetes.

A normal non Diabetic individual maintains a blood glucose level of 80-100 mg/dl when checked in fasting and after food (pp) blood level is usually below 140mg/dl.

Monitoring of Diabetes : Diabetes is a long and chronic disease. One must thus keep it under control throughout the life. Previously it was said "once a diabetes always a diabetic". But today the myth is proved wrong. With a better understanding of glucose metabolism and the lifestyle changes Diabetes can be cured, if detected in initial stages. But a regular check-up of blood sugar/Glucose is required to know the status of the patient. It is recommended to check blood once every month till all the reports for three months come under complete control. There after the tests can be done less frequently.

Those who find their blood glucose above the normal limits or way above normal - must check Blood Glucose much more frequently. For this Glucometers are available which are easy to test, handy and the reports are immediately available.

These days Glucometers cost hardly Rs. 3500 and each test costs about 15-20 Rupees. The aim of a Diabetic patient should always be to keep the blood glucose below 100mg/dl in fasting and 140mg/dl post prandial (pp).

Urine Examinations : Test for glucose in urine is another way of monitoring Diabetes. "Ready to use sticks " are available. But when the blood Glucose is above 180mg/dl. So if the urine becomes positive for glucose the control is definitely not good.     

Tests for complications of Diabetes: Diabetes with poor control of sugar must also check for blood urea, serum creatinine and urine for micro-albumin the involvement of kidneys.

Random Blood Glucose: It is not always possible to check blood sugar at fasting or pp because of practical problems. In such cases blood can be checked at any time when one is not fasting. This is called Random Blood Sugar. It should ideally be below 140mg/dl for well-controlled Diabetes. They should also check the eyes for changes and take care.

Hope you liked this blog!                                                                             

This blog is written by Dr. Bimal Chhajer (Heart Care expert)            



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