
Showing posts from August, 2020


Yoga-meditation was and is the most scientific, complete, practical and effective way to maintain one's health in the best possible state and to keep away from disease. But why Yoga did not have so much popularity in the present era as was expected. The allopathy or modern medical science is still more popular today even in India, the land where Yoga was invented. Let's find out the cause of the setback that the Science of Yoga - Medication had in the last 2000 years. The cause of this fall was repeated invasion of India from outside, imposition of foreign culture and lack of support from then existing Rolers. Starting from the Greek emperor Alexander's invasion (327BC) India had been over and again invaded by outsiders. It was Taimurlong, Lodis, Tughlaks, Babar and so on. By the time of about 500 AD Yoga got a major blow as the scriptures were burnt, gurukuls (where the students learnt Yoga from their teachers-called Gurus) were abolished and the support base was withdr


 Promises that have failed over the years! "Without taking care of the root cause of the illness, how can the problem be solved." In the last 25 years or so every time a new angioplasty procedure came, the heart patients were given promises of a lifetime cure. Press conferences would be arranged to tell the press that the ultimate cure had come and there would be no heart patients left in the country! General population, an optimist, expecting that the new scientific inventions would probably wash away all their sorrows, believed the doctors. History has witnessed that every time these promises have failed! First came the ballooning or PTCA (Percutaneous  Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty ) in the middle of eighties. The promises failed within a few years. The cardiologists in the heart hospitals reluctantly agreed that this procedure was not so good as promised. When the stent came, it was promised that only one percent of the cases would have problems. People soon forgo


  Fortunately, there are alternatives to bypass surgery , angioplasty, and medications. However, many patients and even physicians are not aware of these options. Preventive medicine experts have now proven that changing one's lifestyle can reverse blockages in heart blood vessels . Perhaps what is more important, when used properly, lifestyle agents such as stress control, smoking cessation, diet, and exercises have no harmful side effects. The only side effects are desirable ones contributing to better quality of life and decreased risk of diseases of many types in addition to heart disease. Those individuals with heart disease who become aware of the importance of lifestyle changes are confronted with a vital question: "Am I willing to make the common sense lifestyle changes are confronted with a vital question: "Am I willing to make the common sense lifestyle changes necessary to reverse my disease?" If the answer is "no" it is likely that either angio


 Coronary Angiography (or Angiogram) is an X-ray examination of the blood vessels of the heart. A tube is inserted in your groin. The tube is now blindly passed into the body from outside. When positioned either in the heart or at the beginning of the arteries supplying the heart, a special fluid (called a contrast medium or dye) is injected. This fluid is visible by X-ray and the pictures that are obtained are called angiograms. Coronary Angiography is not an ordinary test. It is an invasive procedure where a foreign body in the form of catheter is inserted inside the body through a cut. This carries a lot of amount of risk. Followings can occur during or after the procedure. Death: Certain patient groups are at risk of death during the angiography . They can be elderly above 60 years, patients with angina class IV, those with blockages in the left main coronary artery. Also patients with previous heart attacks and low cardiac function, with valvular heart diseases or with non-c


  PAIN IN THE CHEST.... IS IT A HEART ATTACK?             Chest pain can have many causes. Some causes are related to the heart and blood vessels. Other have nothing to do with the cardiovascular system . The doctor considers the list of different possible causes. A careful description of the pain can often eliminate other possibilities. Sometimes a person has alarming chest pain and yet has no identifiable problem with the heart. Conditions that often turn out be present, although heart attack was suspected include stomach disorders such as heart burn, stomach ulcer, gall stones with gall bladder irritation, costochondritis (chest wall pain caused by soreness of the muscles between the ribs and the breast bone), cervical spondylitis and other skin infections.                                        Although acute heart attack may commence at any time of the day or night, circadian variations have been reported such that clusters are seen in the morning within few hours of awake

Physical Activity and Exercise

  Most of us today are physically inactive. Throughout the day we do a lot of mental work but very little physical work. We get up from the bed, and sit and sit and sit. Starting from office work, travelling in a car or vehicle, eating breakfast-lunch-dinner, watching television, gossiping, having snacks, reading newspapers and magazines, writing - every other work is almost done in sitting posture. Only few of muscles work during sitting. Most of the work which need real physical activity - have either been mechanized or transferred to servant/employee. Examples of such work are - lifting weight, climbing stairs, walking to the market, washing our clothes, cleaning the floor, gardening, cleaning our house, dusting. All the physical activities in the kitchen have also been reduced by mixers, grinders and lately, dish washers. Today, the only physical activity left is probably voluntary walk, (morning or evening), few kinds of sports as hobbies (like golf, swimming, tennis, badminton)

Silent Heart Attack - Are You a Diabetic?

  Srikant, 55 yrs, Executive, Diabetic experiences breathlessness on way to office. He consults his physician. ECG reveals Heart attack . He is rushed to the ICU. Yes a Heart Attack, and no pain. Ambulatory (Mobile) ECG reveals that a lot many no. of persons suffer from a silent attack, which is not associated with pain. Patients with Diabetes are more likely to have a silent attack and this increases with age. About 90% of attacks in Diabetics are silent. This is due to the damage caused to the nerves carrying pain sensation due to uncontrolled Diabetes . Diabetes is an independent risk factor for Coronary artery disease, and incidence is related to the duration of Diabetes. In Diabetes, not only are the attacks frequent but also tend to be more severe and associated with complications. Coronary Artery Disease is the most significant KILLER in Diabetes, because of accelerated deposition of fat in blood vessels, thus the threshold of Diagnosis should always be kept low. It is


  Detection of Diabetes: The most common symptoms of Diabetes are Polyurea (frequent and excessive passage of urine), Polydypsia (increased intake of water or thirst) and Polyphagia (increased intake of food). These occur because of excessive urine formation as kidneys start throwing glucose out of blood. This loss of water leads to thirst. The loss of Glucose also leads to loss of calories. To make it up the body needs more calories or food. Delayed wound healing, proneness to skin or respiratory infections may often prompt doctors to instruct examination of blood glucose. Sudden loss of weight may be even a pointer towards Diabetes. Many Diabetics do not have any major symptoms or complaints but are detected during routine examination of blood or executive checkups. It is advised that every individual should undertake a routine blood check-up for blood glucose (fasting and post prandial) and Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol ) as soon as they reach the age


       When it comes to the health of the heart , the need to adopt a healthy lifestyle acquires added significance in the South Asian context. Several studies have shown that South Asians are not only more predisposed to coronary artery disease , but are also struck by it at a younger age and report a more aggressive presentation. While high fat-low fiber diets and a sedentary lifestyle are largely to blame, upping risk are also a combination of metabolic and genetic factors. For instance, Indians are predisposed to the metabolic syndrome, which is a constellation of lipid and non-lipid related risk factors of metabolic origin. Apart from being associated with insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, this syndrome leads to increased body fat, particularly in abdominal area. Abdominal obesity, where the fat is concentrated on the waist and stomach, is a stronger risk factor for heart disease than total obesity, measured by body mass index (BMI, calculated by squaring the square o


  A suitably planned course of dietetic treatment, in conjunction with suitable exercise and other measures for promoting elimination is the only scientific way of dealing with obesity. The chief consideration in this treatment should be the balanced selection of foods which provide the maximum essential nutrients with the least number of calories. There should be a gradual weight reduction . The aim is to maintain ideal body weight and to correct faulty eating habits. Let us understand the tips individually. A. The total energy intake for the day should be adjusted to meet the individual weight reduction requirement. SAAOL 's recommended dietary allowance for a person performing a minimum amount of (sedentary) work is 1600 calorie/day. B. A total vegetarian diet should be followed as consumption of meat, fish, chicken, poultry, mutton etc will increase the cholesterol and triglyceride levels and ultimately the amount of fat in the body. C. As carbohydrates (all cereals,


  Literally "Diabetes Mellitus" means "sweet urine" or presence of sugar in urine. The Greek people (where the allopathic medical science initiated 500 years back) called it so, because they found the urine of people suffering from this disease is sweet in taste. In this disease, the Islet cells of Pancreas (situated just below the Stomach in the abdomen) secrete less amount of Insulin- the hormone required to break down glucose inside the body cells. This in turn, increases the blood level of Glucose (which should normally be 80-100 mg/100ml of blood in fasting state and 10-140mg/100ml of blood two hours after food). When the blood level of glucose becomes above 180mg/100 ml of blood the kidneys start throwing glucose outside the body. This results in a huge loss of glucose from the body and also make the urine sweet. The raised level of glucose in the blood may not produce any major symptoms to the body in the short-term, but causes destruction of almost all t


  When energy intake exceeds expenditure, the excess calories are stored in adipose tissue, and if this net positive balance is prolonged, obesity results i.e. there are two components to weight balance and an abnormality on either side (intake or expenditure) can lead to obesity. INTAKE CONTROL Appetite is controlled by discrete areas in brain called hypothalamus. Te feeding centers (areas in brain) send positive signals to brain cortex that stimulates eating. There is another area of brain called the satiety centre that modulates this process by sending inhibitory impulses to the feeding centre Thus destruction of satiety centre will lead to over eating and obesity. (Obesity may follow due to damage to hypothalamus after head injury because it is unable to regulate appetite or satiety). The satiety centre may get activated by plasma glucose and/or insulin that follows a meal. The total adipose tissue mass may also influence the hypothalamic centre. Ultimately it is the brain


  Your bathroom scale may give you a measure of your weight and help you follow changes in your weight, but it is not the best way to determine if you are overweight or obese, or at risk for developing obesity and its related health conditions. Other measurements can help you find out more about your body composition. Obesity is often expressed in terms of Body Mass Index (BMI). A BMI of 30 or more in males and 28.6 or more in females indicates obesity [Body mass index = Weight (kg) / height2 (m)] 1. Body Mass Index (BMI): BMI is a number based on both your height and weight. It can help you determine the degree to which you may be overweight and gives a reasonable assessment of total body fat for the general population. Knowing your BMI is important for you and your family. It correlates better with health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes than does weight itself. BMI is not perfect. Some people, like athletes, may measure a high BMI but have more muscles th


 IMPORTANCE OF DIETARY FIBER Fiber forms the skeletal system of plants. Without it no plant or tree would be able to stand upright. Dietary fiber , the roughage of yesteryears, consists of those parts of the plant foods that cannot be digested by enzymes or other digestive secretions in the alimentary canal (digestive tract). Dietary fiber plays an important role                in the maintenance of health and prevention of diseases. Recent studies in this area indicate that sufficient intake of fiber rich diet may help prevent obesity, colon cancer, heart disease, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis and diabetic conditions. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS Fiber in the diet promotes more frequent bowel movements and softer stools having increased weight. The softness of stools is largely due to the presence of emulsified gas which is produced by the bacterial action on the fiber. A high fiber intake results in greater efficiency in the peristaltic movement of the colon. T

Heart disease is Multi-factorial

  High Cholesterol High cholesterol is one of the most important causes of coronary heart disease. With more and more research data coming in, it has become evident that the blockages are formed in the heart arteries by deposition of cholesterol. Cholesterol, besides being produced in our liver is additionally obtained in our food from animal sources like ghee, butter, milk, cheese, meat etc. The normal level of cholesterol is 130-200 mg/dl. Obviously higher cholesterol intake can only add to the blockages! High Triglyceride It is a fat derived from the plant sources. All cooking oils are triglycerides irrespective of being saturated or unsaturated. All of them lead to blockages. The normal level of triglyceride is 60mg/dl - 150mg/dl. We recommends less than 130mg/dl. Low HDL HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol. Since it has a very high affinity to bind cholesterol . It removes cholesterol from the blockages. Saaol recommends a HDL cholesterol of above 40 mg/dl. Smoki


The most significant food sources of fiber are unprocessed wheat bran, whole cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, rye, millets, roots and tubers such as carrots, beet, turnip and sweet potato, fruits like mango and guava and leafy vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce and celery. The foods which are completely devoid of fiber are meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, fats and sugars. Bran, the outer covering of grains, is one of the richest sources of dietary fiber and it contains several types of fiber including cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. Wheat and corn bran are highly beneficial in relieving constipation. Experiments show that oat bran can reduce cholesterol levels substantially. Corn bran is considered more versatile. It relieves constipation and also lowers LDL cholesterol, which is one of the more harmful kinds. Besides being rich in fiber, bran has a real food value being rich in iron and vitamins and containing a considerable amount of protein. Legumes have high fiber conte

Some Important tips for SEO 2020

1. Backlinks or Off Page SEO - This is the most important and most heard term if you are doing SEO for any brand or company. Backlinks can be different but it attracts a lot of traffic in any websites. Backlinks are divided into 2 categories (Do Follow and No Follow). Both the categories are equally important. There's a myth that Do Follow backlinks are more useful for any website. One thing is important that backlinks should be good in quality ( quality backlinks ) in which images, keywords, content everything should be perfect, 2.   On Page Blogs : Many people keep on publishing the blogs on different websites but forget to add the blog on their own website. A study says that more than 40 percent of traffic on your website comes from your On Page blogs. On page blogs are the blogs which are added on your own website. Always make sure that keywords should be added in the content. Additionally, there should be internal and external links added in the blogs. 3. Meta Tag - This


Roshan Lal Agarwal, a businessman was a heavy smoker. Being in the transport business, he had a stressful job. When he developed some burning sensation in the chest and breathlessness, he did not think he could be affected by heart disease . Instead of changing his habits he went to naturopathy hospital for treatment. He felt better. When he came back again his sons insisted to visit a cardiologist. Mr. Agrawal was very confident that he did not have a heart disease. However he yielded to their demand and agreed for the check up. The cardiologist told the unsuspecting Mr. Agarwal that he would need a small test called angiography to confirm the heart disease. Mr. Agarwal knew something about the invasive nature of the test. Mr. Agarwal was reluctant for the test. But on the persistence of the cardiologist and his sons (who met the doctor separately), he succumbed to their pressure and decided to get the test done. In the evening the cardiologist announced that Mr. Agarwal had a ver